Boys and Sport in Boarding


Sport or some form of physical activity is vital in the structured environment of a boarding school. Sport contributes to the boys physical, mental, and emotional development, helping them grow into balanced and resilient young men. Of late, it has been concerning to see a growing number of boys very much opposed to any form of physical activity, this extends to their choices to not join a weekend recreation activity if it involves even the smallest amount of physical output. In an age when so many young people are reliant on social media and gaming for their daily dose of dopamine, it is crucial that we create opportunities for the boys to engage in some form of physical activity on a regular basis.

Steve Biddulph, in his book Raising Boys in the 21st Century, emphasizes the crucial role of sports in the development of boys, especially those in boarding schools. 

  1. Physical Development: Sports are essential for the physical development of boys. It helps them to grow stronger, build endurance, and maintain a healthy weight. Physical activity is also crucial for the development of motor skills and coordination.

  2. Mental Health: Sports can significantly benefit boys' mental health. Regular physical activity helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, which can be particularly important in the sometimes-high-pressure environment of a boarding school.

  3. Social Skills: Engaging in team sports teaches boys valuable social skills. They learn about teamwork, cooperation, leadership, and how to handle both victory and defeat. These experiences are crucial in shaping their social interactions and helping them build strong relationships. Individual pursuits also teach valuable life skills such as resilience, time management and emotional regulation.

  4. Discipline and Structure: Sports instill discipline, which is particularly important in a boarding school setting where boys are often away from their parents. The routine of practice, the focus required during games, and the commitment to improving all contribute to a structured environment that supports overall growth.

  5. Sense of Belonging: For boys in boarding school, being part of a team (in addition to a friendship group) can provide a sense of belonging. It helps them integrate into the school community, make friends, and build a support network, which is vital when they are away from home.

  6. Character Building:  Sports can be a powerful tool for character building. Boys learn about perseverance, resilience, and how to handle setbacks. These lessons are invaluable as they grow and face various challenges in life.

  7. Energy Outlet: Boys often have a lot of physical energy, and sports provide a healthy outlet for this. It helps them channel their energy in a positive direction, reducing the likelihood of behavioral issues or disruptive behavior. At a time when for some boys, devices and gaming are proving to be almost addictive, the ability for boys to engage in fresh air, sunshine and physical activity is all the more important.

We are currently exploring an after-school walking club in addition to a Sunday "Hike or Stroll" group particularly for those boys not undertaking any weekday or weekend sporting commitments. As the weather improves, we will also offer both surfing and stand-up paddle boarding lessons for those interested.